Friday, March 03, 2006

Wedding Dress

I went and picked up my dress on Tuesday, which I was very excited about. The best news came when I tried on the dress. In January when I bought the dress I had to buy it in a size 12, which I wasn't very happy about at the time. On Tuesday when I put the size 12 dress on and lifted my arms up it fell off, that is a great feeling. So my bridal consultant Jan who is the best went and got me a 10, I put that on and it is a bit big too, I am not at an 8 yet but give me a week or two and I will be.

When I started Weight Watchers in January my goal was to be in a size 8 dress by my wedding and on Tuesday I changed that goal to a size 6! I will the happiest bride if I do it. Wish me Luck!!

1 comment:

Rena Redd said...

Good Luck!